144 research outputs found

    Type-Based Detection of XML Query-Update Independence

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    This paper presents a novel static analysis technique to detect XML query-update independence, in the presence of a schema. Rather than types, our system infers chains of types. Each chain represents a path that can be traversed on a valid document during query/update evaluation. The resulting independence analysis is precise, although it raises a challenging issue: recursive schemas may lead to infer infinitely many chains. A sound and complete approximation technique ensuring a finite analysis in any case is presented, together with an efficient implementation performing the chain-based analysis in polynomial space and time.Comment: VLDB201

    XML content warehousing: Improving sociological studies of mailing lists and web data

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    In this paper, we present the guidelines for an XML-based approach for the sociological study of Web data such as the analysis of mailing lists or databases available online. The use of an XML warehouse is a flexible solution for storing and processing this kind of data. We propose an implemented solution and show possible applications with our case study of profiles of experts involved in W3C standard-setting activity. We illustrate the sociological use of semi-structured databases by presenting our XML Schema for mailing-list warehousing. An XML Schema allows many adjunctions or crossings of data sources, without modifying existing data sets, while allowing possible structural evolution. We also show that the existence of hidden data implies increased complexity for traditional SQL users. XML content warehousing allows altogether exhaustive warehousing and recursive queries through contents, with far less dependence on the initial storage. We finally present the possibility of exporting the data stored in the warehouse to commonly-used advanced software devoted to sociological analysis

    The WebStand Project

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    In this paper we present the state of advancement of the French ANR WebStand project. The objective of this project is to construct a customizable XML based warehouse platform to acquire, transform, analyze, store, query and export data from the web, in particular mailing lists, with the final intension of using this data to perform sociological studies focused on social groups of World Wide Web, with a specific emphasis on the temporal aspects of this data. We are currently using this system to analyze the standardization process of the W3C, through its social network of standard setters

    RDF Analytics: Lenses over Semantic Graphs

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    International audienceThe development of Semantic Web (RDF) brings new requirements for data analytics tools and methods, going beyond querying to semantics-rich analytics through warehouse-style tools. In this work, we fully redesign, from the bottom up, core data analytics concepts and tools in the context of RDF data, leading to the first complete formal framework for warehouse-style RDF analytics. Notably, we define i) analytical schemas tailored to heterogeneous, semantics-rich RDF graph, ii) analytical queries which (beyond relational cubes) allow flexible querying of the data and the schema as well as powerful aggregation and iii) OLAP-style operations. Experiments on a fully-implemented platform demonstrate the practical interest of our approach

    Efficient asymmetric inclusion of regular expressions with interleaving and counting for XML type-checking

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    The inclusion of Regular Expressions (REs) is the kernel of any type-checking algorithm for XML manipulation languages. XML applications would benefit from the extension of REs with interleaving and counting, but this is not feasible in general, since inclusion is EXPSPACE-complete for such extended REs. In Colazzo et al. (2009) [1] we introduced a notion of ?conflict-free REs?, which are extended REs with excellent complexity behaviour, including a polynomial inclusion algorithm [1] and linear membership (Ghelli et al., 2008 [2]). Conflict-free REs have interleaving and counting, but the complexity is tamed by the ?conflict-free? limitations, which have been found to be satisfied by the vast majority of the content models published on the Web.However, a type-checking algorithm needs to compare machine-generated subtypes against human-defined supertypes. The conflict-free restriction, while quite harmless for the human-defined supertype, is far too restrictive for the subtype. We show here that the PTIME inclusion algorithm can be actually extended to deal with totally unrestricted REs with counting and interleaving in the subtype position, provided that the supertype is conflict-free.This is exactly the expressive power that we need in order to use subtyping inside type-checking algorithms, and the cost of this generalized algorithm is only quadratic, which is as good as the best algorithm we have for the symmetric case (see [1]). The result is extremely surprising, since we had previously found that symmetric inclusion becomes NP-hard as soon as the candidate subtype is enriched with binary intersection, a generalization that looked much more innocent than what we achieve here

    A Type System for Interactive JSON Schema Inference (Extended Abstract)

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    In this paper we present the first JSON type system that provides the possibility of inferring a schema by adopting different levels of precision/succinctness for different parts of the dataset, under user control. This feature gives the data analyst the possibility to have detailed schemas for parts of the data of greater interest, while more succinct schema is provided for other parts, and the decision can be changed as many times as needed, in order to explore the schema in a gradual fashion, moving the focus to different parts of the collection, without the need of reprocessing data and by only performing type rewriting operations on the most precise schema

    PigReuse: A Reuse-based Optimizer for Pig Latin

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    Pig Latin is a popular language which is widely used for parallel processing of massive data sets. Currently, subexpressions occurring repeatedly in Pig Latin scripts are executed as many times as they appear, and the current Pig Latin optimizer does not identify reuse opportunities.We present a novel optimization approach aiming at identifying and reusing repeated subexpressions in Pig Latin scripts. Our optimization algorithm, named PigReuse, operates on a particular algebraic representation of Pig Latin scripts. PigReuse identifies subexpression merging opportunities, selects the best ones to execute based on a cost function, and reuses their results as needed in order to compute exactly the same output as the original scripts. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Schema Inference for Massive JSON Datasets

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    In the recent years JSON affirmed as a very popular data format for representing massive data collections. JSON data collections are usually schemaless. While this ensures sev- eral advantages, the absence of schema information has im- portant negative consequences: the correctness of complex queries and programs cannot be statically checked, users cannot rely on schema information to quickly figure out the structural properties that could speed up the formulation of correct queries, and many schema-based optimizations are not possible. In this paper we deal with the problem of inferring a schema from massive JSON datasets. We first identify a JSON type language which is simple and, at the same time, expressive enough to capture irregularities and to give com- plete structural information about input data. We then present our main contribution, which is the design of a schema inference algorithm, its theoretical study, and its implemen- tation based on Spark, enabling reasonable schema infer- ence time for massive collections. Finally, we report about an experimental analysis showing the effectiveness of our ap- proach in terms of execution time, precision, and conciseness of inferred schemas, and scalability
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